Claim: सोचिए, आखिर क्यों, आजादी के बाद के 67 वर्षों तक केवल 70 प्रतिशत ग्रामीण परिवारों तक ही बिजली की सुविधा पहुंची थी और अब कैसे बीते चार वर्षों में 95 प्रतिशत ग्रामीण परिवारों तक बिजली पहुंच गई है: PM @narendramodi
(Think about it, even after 67 years of Independence electricity connections reached only about 70% rural households and, now, in the last four years alone 95% of rural households have received a electricity connection: PM @narendramodi)
Fact: False. When the BJP came to power in 2014, 97% of villages were already electrified. Many villages and households now marked as electrified have not received electricity yet, investigations show.
Explanation: When the BJP came to power in 2014, 97% of the villages were already electrified with only about 18,452 or 3% left to be connected to the grid. The Congress-led United Progressive Alliance in its two consecutive terms between 2005 and 2014 had connected about 108,280 or 18% of all Indian villages.
Currently, while the SAUBHAGYA dashboard that tracks household electrification shows that 95% rural households have connectivity, many villages and households have not received electricity but have been nonetheless been counted as electrified in government data, as’s investigation from the ground revealed.
In April 2018, 100% of Indian villages were declared electrified by the BJP government after power connections reached the remaining villages. However, only 8% of these 18,374 villages had 100% of households connected.