Claim: इन चार वर्षों में सिर्फ शौचालय ही नहीं बने, गांव-शहर ODF ही नहीं बने बल्कि 90% से अधिक शौचालयों का नियमित उपयोग भी हो रहा है: PM
In the last 4 years, we did not just build toilets, villages were not just declared ODF, but more than 90% of the toilets are being regularly used.
Fact: False. Nearly a quarter, or 23% of people who own a latrine, continue to defecate in the open, studies show. FactChecker investigations in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh found fudged data, unusable toilets and high rates of open defecation.
Explanation: Of people who own a latrine, 23% continue to defecate in the open, as IndiaSpend reported in January 2019 based on a working paper published by the research and policy advocacy Research Institute for Compassionate Economics (RICE) and New Delhi-based policy think-tank Accountability Initiative (AI).
A investigation in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh in 2018 had also found fudged data and unusable, poor quality toilets with high rates of open defecation.